Dear students of the USC Armenian Student Association,
Thank you for your email and for sharing your concerns with the President’s office. The news of renewed conflict in Armenia is upsetting to many and I assure you that we are working to provide resources and support for students during this difficult time.
Your education and outreach efforts to the student body to raise awareness about this situation are impressive, and I want to assure you that your voices are heard. We are communicating with students about the resources the USC Institute of Armenian Studies and the USC Armenian Students’ Association are providing to those with questions, concerns, and specific needs. Below I have included a few of the other resources we are providing.
Campus Support and Intervention (CSI) is reaching out to USC Armenian students to offer academic, social and mental health support as they navigate this crisis. If you or a friend needs extra support as this situation continues to develop, please reach out to the CSI team who can connect you with resources, help to arrange accommodation requests with the Office of Student Accessibility Services, and assist you in reaching out to academic advisors or professors about your circumstances. CSI can be reached at (213) 740-0411 or emailing
The Office of International Services (OIS) has drop-in advising hours for anyone who needs it and the OIS team can help students take a leave of absence or apply for a reduced course load if necessary. We understand that our students may be impacted in a variety of ways and OIS can help you understand navigate your options for continuing your USC education in the best possible way for your situation.
We value our students’ mental health and wellbeing at USC, and I encourage you to utilize the Counseling and Mental Health Services within USC Student Health that are available to all students 24/7. They offer a variety of services including short one-on-one “Let’s Talk” sessions and group counseling. You can make an appointment through MySHR or reach out through CSI.
Thank you for your continued advocacy for the Armenian student community and know that your voices are heard. We will continue to offer you the support and resources you need to reach your personal, academic, and professional goals even in the face of uncertainty and struggle.
Monique S. Allard, EdD
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Southern California